The department leader with whom we worked closely, shared how our work has improved their operational structures and our work tools helped hone her leadership skills. I am going to use the planning meeting templates for team and partner meetings … they were very helpful as planning and accountability tools. I also appreciate Ms. Pitcher’s meeting facilitation and communication styles I am going to use some of what I learned to be a more assertive leader and manage my time more efficiently.
— Department Director of a 50 year old San Francisco based Workforce Non-profit with 100+ employees and multi-million dollar operating budget
“You have truly made life easier! The Standard Operating Procedure, Job Descriptions, Organization chart, and workflow processes documents you developed with us have helped improve operations, supported staff recruiting and retention, and provided a clear path forward for our team members and our work. We now have the tools to monitor and audit our metrics, KPIs, and simplified our impact reporting. I now have the confidence and tools to balance assertive leadership with compassion.”
— Executive Director of a San Francisco Based 8 year old Social Work Non-Profit with 10 staff members and a $1M annual operating budget.
“I really appreciate you taking the time to explain everything to me and giving me the structure I wish I had when I started this business. And your connections to resources are priceless! Thank you so much!”
— Owner of a 5 year old retail business with a store front in San Francisco